IDS Bulletin on Power, Poverty and Inequality
This IDS Bulletin, edited by Marjoke Oosterom and Patta Scott-Villiers, brings together the latest analysis on understanding power and inequality and their links to poverty. Contributors discuss the ways in which economic and political modes of inequality interact with social inequalities, and offer ways of untangling complexity using approaches to analysis which take account of multiple dynamics in unequal relations.
Power in Development Bibliography
This bibliography gives details of written resources on power. It provides short abstracts and categorises the resources into six themes.
Building Responsive States: Citizen Action and National Policy Change
This In Focus Policy Briefing explores examples of citizen action and highlights how government, donors and civil society organisations can help citizens bring about pro-poor national policy change. Through this it also provides examples of the power relations at work within specific situations and interactions.
Democratising Trade Politics in the Americas
This paper explores the strategies adopted by NGOs and social movements to influence the decision-making processes and the content of the trade agenda.
Exploring Power for Change Introduction
This introduction to IDS Bulletin ‘Exploring Power for Changes’ gives an overview of the diverse understandings of power within the Participation, Power and Social Change team.
Finding Spaces for Change: A Power Analysis
In this article from the IDS Bulletin ‘Exploring Power for Change’ John Gaventa presents the powercube as a framework for analysing the interrelated dimensions of power.
Global Engagements with Global Assessments
This paper, in part, looks at the power relations involved in the IAASTD process and whether it was an inclusive or exclusive local-global forum for debate on the future of agricultural science and technology.
Literature Review on Local-Global Citizen Engagments
This literature review identifies six main bodies of literature and draws from different theoretical perspectives. Each body of literature is concerned with distinct social, political and cultural aspects of globalization.
Making Change Happen 2: Citizen Engagment and Global Economic Power
This booklet reflects on the practice and challenges of citizen engagment to influence global economic power. It explores strategies for making global economic policy processes more democratic and responsive to citizens.
Making Change Happen 3: Power
This booklet examines ways of understanding power and opportunities for constructing and transforming power, through strengthening analysis, action and movement building.
Measuring Empowerment – Ask Them
This Sida Studies in Evaluation paper presents the experience of one social movement in Bangladesh, which managed to find a way to measure empowerment by letting the members themselves explain what benefits they acquired from the Movement and by developing a means to measure change over time.
Forger le changement: Le pouvoir
This is the French translation of ‘Making Change Happen 3: Power’ by Just Associates.
Making Spaces Changing Places
Using the concept of space as a lens through which to view practices of participation, this paper explores the issues of power and difference in the making and shaping of spaces for people’s participation in development.
Making Space for Citizens
This IDS policy brief takes a closer look at the ‘new democratic spaces’ emerging in a number of different countries, which the expand the scope and opportunity for citizen participation.
Mapping the Public Policy Landscape
This publication explores the links between local and global levels of power and highlights how social movements can be assisted by a better understanding of the interrelationships between the different forms of power.
Operationalising Empowerment
This paper presents an overview of key empowerment principles, following the an independent evaluation of SDC’s application of empowerment approaches in its development programming.
Power after Lukes
This briefing note looks at recent theories of power within social theory and how they have been or can be applied to assessing power within development.
Power Analysis: Experiences and Challenges
This paper reflects on lessons learned so far on Sida’s experience of power analysis . It includes experiences about process, content, value added, challenges and the road ahead.
Participatory Video and Empowerment
Summary of Anna Colom’s paper which analyses the potential of PV as a unique empowering process that enhances the political capabilities of grassroots communities to influence those with power over them.
Power Knowledge and Political Spaces
This paper explores the dyanamics of making and shaping poverty policy. It critiques a linear version of policy-making and highlights the complex interplay of power and knowledge in poverty policy processes.
Reflections on the uses the powecube
This paper provides a brief description of the powercube appraoch and reflects on the uses of the powercube for anlaysing the spaces, places and dynamics of civil society participation and engagement.
Rights and Power workshop report
This is a report of a workshop held at IDS from 17-20 November 2003. It highlights some of the key issues that emerged including the challenges of implementing rights-based approaches through the lens of power.
Spaces for Change? Introduction
This is the introduction to a book containing case studies which address the challenge of building democratic politics where all can realise their rights and claim citizenship.
The Global Campaign for Education
This paper presents a case study of the Global Campaign for Education and asks how does changing patterns of power and governance affect how and where citizens mobilise collectively to claim their rights?