Academic Debates on Levels
This hadnout is adapted from John Gaventa’s chapter on ‘Levels, Spaces and Forms of Power: Analysing opportunities for change’ in Power in World Politics, published by Routledge in 2007.
Chicken Run
Handout on how to use the film ‘Chiken Run’ as way to open up discussion and learning about citizenship, rights
and forms of power. -
Fluid, opaque, amoebic power
Mariz Tadros develops the concepts of visible, hidden, and invisible forms of power, introducing ideas of fluid, opaque and amoebic power, while reflecting on the impact on state‐NGO relations of the State Security Apparatus (SSI) in Egypt.
Looking Back is Looking Forward
This handout presents a community power analysis exercise used in Sri Lanka to enables an understanding of different power dimensions that could avert adverse effects and make better the situation.
Power and Empowerment: Summary of concepts and approaches
This two-page handout offers a concise summary some of the key concepts and approaches to power and empowerment.
Jubilee Debt Campaign
This handout illustrates the use of the powercube in the analysis of the issue of debt and its relationships to poverty.
New Weave of Power Contents
The table of contents to A New Weave of Power, People & Politics: The Action Guide for Advocacy and Citizen Participation, by Lisa Veneklasen and Valerie Miller of Just Associates.
New Weave of Power Introduction
The introduction to A New Weave of Power, People & Politics: The Action Guide for Advocacy and Citizen Participation, by Lisa Veneklasen and Valerie Miller of Just Associates.
New Weave: Democracy and Citizenship
Chapter two of A New Weave of Power by Lisa Veneklasen and Valerie Miller of Just Associates, focuses on democracy and citizenship.
New Weave: Power and Empowerment
Chapter three of A New Weave of Power on ‘Power and Empowerment’. This chapter includes the ‘expressions of power’ and public, private and inimate realms of power.
New Weave: Citizen-centred Advocacy
Chapter five of A New Weave of Power by Lisa Veneklasen and Valerie Miller of Just Associates, focuses on the basics of planning for citizen-centred advocacy.
New Weave of Power: Mapping Advocacy Strategies
Chapter ten of A New Weave of Power by Lisa Veneklasen and Valerie Miller of Just Associates, focuses on choosing and planning the right advocacy strategy.
New Weave of Power: Media and Messages
Chapter 13 of A New Weave of Power by Lisa Veneklasen and Valerie Miller of Just Associates, focuses on educating and persuading through media advocacy.
Power Cartoons
A simple handout by Irene Guijt of Learning by Design, suggesting ways of using the power cartoons at a learning event or workshop.
Power Matrix Introduction
This handout by Valerie Miller introduces the Power Matrix as a tool for making links between different manifestations of power and processes of social change in an effort to strengthen organizations and movements dedicated to advancing justice.
Power Matrix
The Power Matrix summarizes an extensive analysis of power and action approaches in graphic form. It illustrates how different aspects of power interact to shape the challenges and possibilities of political action and citizen participation.
Power Twister
An exercise by Forumsyd aimed at exposing the power that you work with and against. We have called it ‘power twister’ as it involves mapping the powercube on the ground and moving around in the space!
Quick Guide to Power Analysis
This handy quick guide by Oxfam asks ‘what is power?’ and ‘what is power analysis’? It also presents some key questions to ask when doing power analysis.
Right to be Heard
Jo Rowland from Oxfam presents notes on breaking power analysis into component parts. There is an example of how a programme of work on women’s rights and participation might map on the power spectrum.
Sample Learning Event 1
This sample learning event outlines a sequence of exercises to help learners connect their personal experience and case studies with concepts and theories of power.
Sample Learning Event 2
This sample learning event begins to apply a power perspective to real-life situations, with a focus on the issues and challenges that were identified in sample learning event 1.The powercube is introduced as a framework for analysis and strategising.
Sample Learning Event 3
This sample learning event outlines the process of a learning trajectory on power. It combines workshops with periods of work-based learning and reflection on practice, supported by some form of coaching.
Three Scenarios: Visible, Hidden and Invisible Power
This handout presents three examples of power to initiate discussion; what can we learn about power from these examples and how do the three different views of power shed light on the nature of power.
PowerAlliance in Uganda
This handout presents a simple tool that has been used in the Citizen Manifesto Process in Uganda. An anatomy of the Ugandan state is done to unravel a power alliance, through using concepts such as ‘powerful and uncomfortable’, ‘powerful and comfortable’, ‘powerless and uncomfortable’ and ‘powerless and comfortable’.